02-21-2019 Wed TSCI

My yin yoga class on Thurs. and Sun. mornings is doing well. It has 2 students regularly attending which isn’t bad out of 64 total in the whole gallery. Several new students have said they will start this coming Sunday too. Some of the guys who work out 5 days a...

02-14-2019 Thurs TSCI

Happy VDay (Valentine’s Day). *chuckle* I gave the 9th, and penultimate, speech necessary for my Competent Communicator certification. The 9th speech is supposed to focus on being persuasive. I had given an early speech trying to persuade the audience to...

01-30-2019 Wed TSCI

In my last entry I mentioned the idea of our social networks as prosthetics for our minds. I gave the example of the boy born without a cerebellum who’s family had filled in for his missing capacity, truly becoming a prosthetic cerebellum. I went on to consider...

01-15-19 Tues TSCI

I have recently recovered from a cold. For about a week I was wiped out from being sick but one benefit of being in here is that if you’re sick you can just rest all day as there are very few scheduled obligations. *chuckle* However, on the down side, it is like...

01-01-2019 TSCI

Happy New Year! I called McK at the last minute I could last night (8:30 PM) to wish him a happy new year and I watched the ball drop on a rainy Times Square but I couldn’t stay up till midnight here. I guess I’m getting old…well, it’s not...